Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Cotswolds, a Birthday, a cake, a Wedding and a Poorly Dog.

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April 2011

The sun was shining it was good F
riday, we were packed and we were off to the Cotswolds for 10 days ............HOORAH (though it turned out to be 8)
After such a sunny spell so early on in the year we thought it too good to last, our destination was Moreton in Marsh. Our site was the Caravan club site there, a large one but broken up in to sections with little cul de sacs so it had a smaller feel. We found a nice quiet spot under a lime tree, surrounded by grass so Lucy could relax. (And Alan.)

(Note to self never pitch unde
r a lime tree ever again!, lots of sticky stuff and bird doo doo's all over the van).

It is only a short walk in to
Moreton, where there are quite a few pubs, a few shops and a market on Wednesday.

Wendy and Dusty came over to stay with us and on Saturday we went to Cleve Hill for a walk of about five miles. It took us past a natural pool know locally as the sheep wash and Lucy had a really good swim, Dusty isn't keen on swimming but managed a paddle.
The weather stayed nice and we were able to have a couple of barby's over the weekend.

Above Cleve Hill

During the week few villages we visited including chipping campden, the S
laughters and Bourton on the water, which I wasn't overly impressed with as there were too many people, we took a picnic and sat by the water.

Bourton on the water

One of our fav
ourite places is Batsford Arboretum,
we've been there before a few years ago, it wasn't that far from the site and so we were able walk accross the fields to it. It's a fantastic place with many species of trees and shrubs including giant redwoods. The bluebells were all out carpeting the ground and complimented the colours of the camelea's and azalea's. It was a very warm day so it was nice to be able to get shade from the trees. We finished the visit with a cuppa and a slice of cake in the garden center cafe before walking back to camp.

Batsford Arboretum

On Thursday it was my Birthday, Wendy c
ame first thing before going to work and dropped Dusty off. After opening my presents and cards and we went off to Stratford on Avon for the day. The sun was still shining and we had a lovelwalk by the river, watched a busker in the park and then went off on a town trail to see the sites, amongst these were Shakespeares House and the church where his tomb could be seen alongside his family.

We thought it would be quite amusing to take this picture of

'Dusty Shakespeare'.........the Bard with the beard,

She's a good sport, always game for a laugh, and gave us
her permission.

Stratford on Avon

Wendy came back to t
he site after work and brought the best cake I have ever seen, she had made it for my Birthday (clever girl),it was a whopper it had a ladybird theme which she knows is dear to my heart. We got ready and went out for tea and then returned later to blow out candles and fill our faces with scrummy cake.

The next day was a special day too, Wendy had stayed and the alarm had been set it for an early start, we had a big occasion to go to.........The royal wedding of William and Kate. Off we went to Wendy's house to take our seats in front of the big screen and waited for the other guests to arrive.

Lucy had got us up on thursday night with an upset tummy and we thought it was just something and nothing, on friday she seemed to be o.k. We left Wendy's and went back to the caravan in the evening but she got us up in the night again. By Saturday morning she was looking very weak and again had an upset tummy so I thought we ought to get her to the vet, it was very worrying.
We got an appointment at Stow on the Wold vet's as soon as it opened and rushed her there, a very nice lady vet couldn't find anything visibly wrong but gave us the option of keeping her in on a drip or taking her back with a huge bag of different sorts of medication and monitoring her over 24hours. We opted for the medication and decided to go straight back, pack up quickly and go home so that we could be near to our own vets if she should take a turn for the worst. Luckily the medication worked and though very quiet for a few days made a full recovery, thank goodness.

All in all it was a very eventful time with highs and lows, the sun kept shining , I had one of the best birthdays for a long time and it was lovely to see Wendy and Dusty.

Moreton in Marsh Caravan Club site.
Marks out of ten.

Area 9
Site 10

Pitch 9 (would have been 10 but for the tree)
Facilities 10